Beardstown High School

Class of 1960

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BHS Class of 1960 - 45th Class Reunion

The 45th Class Party and Alumni Banquet are now history. For those of you who were able to make it back to Beardstown the occasion was very enjoyable. We had great weather. I do not believe that anyone got arrested. Elvis was able to drop in and sing for us. And the new High School facilities almost made me want to go back to school.

We heard back from a good number of you about what you are now doing, what your life has been like the past 5 years, some very interesting items about your family (kids, grandkids, etc.) and a few stories about those school years.

There are a few revisions to be made to the Class booklet that was handed out to those who were at one of the Alumni functions. Now for some good/bad news - The good news is that those revised pages will be mailed to you, the bad news is you will have to figure out how to get those pages into the booklet.

For those of you that could not make it back to Beardstown and attend all or some of the activities, a booklet will be mailed to you. Your cost for the book will be to make plans to be in Beardstown and attend the 50th Reunion and Alumni Banquet in 2010.

The "Cafe From Yesterday" was a good place to hold the Friday night party since it was on the ground floor and old folks did not have to climb stairs. The food was very good, there was great entertainment, and the noise level was such that you could hear each other talk.

I think I heard a number of new stories from those days of a long time past. I think we all heard many stories for the 100th time. But they still mean something and it is fun to relive those events.

The Banquet in the new school was great. Much smaller than the old gym but the air conditioner was on, in fact I felt it was cold. The food was as good as always and the serving of the meal by the church was as efficient as always.

We all went to the Elks for the dance. For those of you that have not been back to the last couple of Alumni Banquets, the tail-gate parties are no more. This is a part of the tradition that you hate to see go, but in today's climate (law suits and such) it had to come to an end. We can still have as much fun at the Elks or for that matter anywhere the party is. The music was loud, I suspect that as one's age goes up your tolerance to noise goes down. I guess you could include other body parts or functions in that trait.

Tradition also requires that we follow the ancient trails and go to the DeSollars for after the Banquet/dance gathering. We joined in a somewhat new ritual in that the group sat in a circle and passed jokes around the room. Sort of similar to a group of Indians passing a peace pipe around. We each got our high from the funny stories.


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