Beardstown High School

Class of 1960

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Home Town News

We all have an interest in what is going on in the old home town. Some of us are located all across the country and may not be in frequent touch with the life in the River City.

The new high school has been completed and has been in use for a number of years. Here is one last look at the old school that no longer exists. This is the part of BHS that we started out in our Freshman year. The "new school" was added just to the East of this building. We spent our last year in the "new school".

"New School"


The end of our "New School"

The end of our New School

The old school starting to fall during the the tear down in 2005.

Teardown in progress

A look from the parking lot behind the old school. The roof of the old gym is in the center of the picture.

Teardown progress

A bit of the new school that we watched being built in 1959 is to the left of this picture. I could not find many pictures of our "new school" to add to this site.

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